Andrew Dow

Andrew Dow is a  bit of a Scottish (Edinburgh) and English (Yorkshire) mix but has lived in neither country since the 1990s. He considers himself 61% Spanish and only 39% Brit due to his love of English breakfast tea, and reading the Daily Mail celebrity gossip columns when nobody is watching.

He is incapable of staying in one place or even sitting still for more than 7.8 seconds but has been teaching English successfully since the 1700s. He runs his own online language school and has also worked on the radio, in a large company as a quality auditor, on archaeological excavations in the Basque Country, in the communications department of a bankrupt Spanish multi-national, and as a tour director in Portugal, Spain, and Scotland.

He is mad about music, crazy about hiking, and has been trying to finish the second year of a History Degree -in Spanish- since the dreaded lockdown of 2020.

When he isn’t scribbling, you can find him sipping cold beers in the Seville sunshine (but only after 1pm), paddling down the Guadalquivir River in his wee canoe, unloading the dishwasher carefully, AND happily preparing his next online English class.