Experimental Gluten-Free Bakery

Can we improve the nutritional quality of the bread that we make?

Which are the techniques that allow us to obtain a sublime product from the nutritional and digestive point of view?

Do you want to know 12 different techniques to make glutenfree bread?

What can I do to make the nutrients of a whole product more digestible, with more volume and more assimilable?

Nutrients and anti nutrients? Sprouted ingredients? Sprouted grains?

Develop applications with these ingredients.

Experiment with these items, and understand the use of the concept of prebiotics and probiotics in gluten-free bakery to improve your health.

Learn how to make your own formulas and make your own balanced recipes and to develop specific applications to specific problems.

Deepen into the complete knowledge of how to do an original dough and discover the new method for making unique sourdoughs.

Gluten-free sourdoughs that doesn’t come from flour, these are sourdoughs of the future!!!

Intensive gluten-free artisan bakery program, specially addressed to those who already have basic knowledge of preparation, and those who want to dedicate themselves to it at a professional level or those who want to be trained to give courses.

You are going to learn 12 different ways of making bread, gluten-free bread decoration techniques, pizzas, empanadas, brioche, croissants and puff pastry.

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detalhes do produto:
  • Editor: Jordi Trabal Gomez
  • Autor: Josep Pascual Aguilera
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Nº de páginas: 74
  • Tamanho: 152x228
  • Miolo: Cor
  • Paginação: Colado
  • Acabamento da capa: Mate
  • Última atualização: 02/03/2021
  • ISBN eBook em PDF: 978-84-685-5046-6
    ISBN Acabamento em capa mole: 978-84-685-5045-9
1 comentário sobre este livro Registe-se para comentar este livro
12 de Janeiro de 2022 por Anónimo
The translation of this book to English is so bad that the book is unreadable for much of it. There are many sentences that makes no sense whatsoever. Waste of mony
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