Friendly or Enemy Mind
Gustavo Nicolás Sande Coppola

It is a book that deals with the multiplicity and complexity that exists in the Human mind, its mechanical processes of the ego, making a brief passage from the origin of the Universe, through history, physics and science in general, evolution of the human race. Delving into historical figures that marked an era. It is theoretical and practical in some specific points. It will leave a mark or indifference depending on the degree of introspection and open reading that each one has. Each person is a world apart with its complexities about the vision of life in general. It is nothing new, at the bottom of each person there is enough of this book. We are all connected in some way or another and if these words in some way or another reach the reader, a great change awaits us. We are all in some way waking up to this spiritual wave and current issues, they will return us to the origin that we always were and are connected to.
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