Dear friend, I have written seventeen books in five years. Considering that each book has about 80,000 words, I have typed approximately 1,360,000, and if we count the ones I have deleted, surely the amount is close to double. Jack Kerouack boasted that he had written a million words, and it is very clear that Jack Kerouack was a great writer. I personally love him. At the time Jack Kerouck wrote his works, mid 20th century, there was no Google Drive, no Amazon, no virtual bookstores, no possibility of publishing your work immediately on the ENTIRE PLANET. Now you have all that within reach of your index finger.And if you have all the tools, why aren't you using them already? This book is the fruit of my own experience. From the first sketches of something similar to a novel without any respect for the tempos to the fact that, at present, a new work is published every two months. Of course behind the result there are infinite hours of work, but it is an effort dedicated to something exciting. I always say that the hours of dedication to something I love don't count.
Everything is in your favor.
Let 's go there.
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A Bubok é uma editora que oferece a qualquer autor as ferramentas e serviços necessários para editar as suas obras, publicá-las e vendê-las em mais de sete países, tanto em formato digital como em papel, com tiragens desde um exemplar. Os acordos da Bubok permitem vender este catálogo em centenas de plataformas digitais e livrarias físicas.
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