In the world of Cannins, a magical fish-shaped crystal is found in the mystical lake of mirrors. This powerful pendant establishes the enmity between Kenbell, a poor and black boy, who lives in a village, and Kepler, son of the royal family and a young man by nature quite greedy. Thus, Kenbell is forced to abandon his people and his beloved Maria and ventures through unknown waters and lands guided by the mysterious pendant, which will make him discover an incredible world, inhabited by exotic creatures and angelic beings. What he does not even know is that his necklace is more than magical: it is practically a mission he was given.
Will the young hero be able to fulfill his mission? Where will your help come from? Will he ever be able to return home, to the bosom of his family and into the arms of his dear girlfriend? Embark on the Kenbell saga to find out!
The Kenbell saga is full of adventures, power struggles and an epic battle, but, above all, it brings a great lesson about who really commands the Universe and the only way to live in peace.
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