+Remedies +Homemade 3

+Remedies +Homemade 3


Thanks to home remedies we can alleviate many physical conditions naturally without the need to resort to chemicals that can have some side effects.

Although medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have revolutionized the way we treat almost all health problems, home remedies that use the means offered by nature to benefit the body are still in use.

Home remedies that take advantage of nature's goodness for the benefit of the body are still in use.

"This content is merely informative, explained by specialists with experience in the field with an informative objective".

Natural remedies are no longer a complement to drugs. For more and more people, the best way to fight and prevent the disease of modern times is with a few doses of nature.

It is significant that, in times increasingly mediated by great medical advances, the treasure of traditional medicine is being rediscovered.

Without a doubt, this tendency is linked to the thirst for nature that our artificial, synthetic and sedentary life provokes. And also, to the fact that it is precisely this lifestyle that is putting collective health in check.

So, resuming a healthier lifestyle involves getting closer to nature: performing eco-therapies, even if we are in the city, as well as getting closer to the benefits of fresh foods that promote longevity.

Not least: make use of healing plants and flowers to prevent or treat common health problems.

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detalhes do produto:
  • Autor: John Beat
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Última atualização: 27/01/2022
  • ISBN eBook em ePub: 9798567962770
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