Three Possible Mistakes in the Special Relativity Theory of Albert Einstein and their Three Possible Solutions. The Matter will be able to travel more faster than the Velocity of the Light ?

In this document will be analyzed three topics, these topics can be considered of great interest in the world of the physics and of the science and the technology as a rule. The first topic to try is referred to the existence of a Possible Mistake in Kinetic Energy Equation Relativistic for Moving Matter and its Possible Solution. The second topic to be discussed concerns the verification of the equations E = M.C2 proposed by Albert Einstein and E = M.C2/2 proposed by José Guevara for the conversion of matter into energy. The third topic to try is referred to the existence of a Possible Mistake in the Net Force Equation among Two Equal Electrical Particles, that travel to Equal Velocity, a particle to the side of other particle, in Parallel Formation and its Possible Solution.  Below I expose the Conclusions and Recommendations for the continuation of this investigation work from the practical point of view in the laboratories and investigation centers that are available in the world, since there will be that to recall that the real advance of the Science and the Technology is achieved through the Work in Equipment and not only by middle of the Individual Work. Finally added a chapter entitled “The Matter will be able to travel more faster than the Velocity of the Light in The Empty (V > C) ?” which could be of great interest to the reader of this document.

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detalhes do produto:
  • Autor: José Gregorio Guevara Pérez
  • Tamanho: 216x279
  • Nº de páginas: 27
  • Miolo: Preto e branco
  • Paginação: Agrafado
  • Acabamento da capa: Brilho
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Última atualização: 02/09/2023
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