The fabulous book "Beyond Heaven" takes us on a fascinating journey into the unexplored realms of spirituality and energy. Through the author's words, we are guided on a path that transcends the limitations of the material world and plunges us into the depths of universal consciousness.

The book focuses on a mystical encounter of the inner search that will transform the perception of reality. Discover a vast universe of energy and frequency that underlies everything around us. Throughout his journey, concepts such as the law of vibration, energetic resonance and the connection between mind, body and spirit are explored. As you absorb these teachings, you begin to experience phenomena that defy conventional logic: from the healing of emotional wounds to the conscious manifestation of your deepest desires.

As his understanding of energy and frequency deepens, he is faced with challenges that test his faith and determination. Through trials and tribulations, he discovers that the path to spiritual transcendence is not always easy, but that every obstacle is an opportunity to grow and evolve.

"Más Allá del Cielo" is a captivating story that invites us to question our entrenched beliefs and explore the hidden dimensions of existence. As Ana discovers that we are much more than physical bodies, the reader is also immersed in an odyssey of self-discovery and expansion of consciousness. Blending mysticism, science, and philosophy, this spiritual masterpiece takes us on a transformative journey that challenges us to look beyond the visible and tune into the higher frequencies of the universe.

"Más Allá del Cielo" is a reminder that we are all connected by energy and vibration, and that in our search for meaning, we can discover a vast and beautiful panorama that transcends the borders of everyday reality. The book reveals the spiritual key that has allowed it to recover its creative potential, "beyond heaven" is composed of a history of studies in the scientific area of internal activation of the Pineal gland.

All his " experiencing " endorses this new work of deepening, where the activation and connection of this gland is only the consequence of a transcendental inheritance revealed today. This world can be changed, that our big questions about who we are, what we do here and where we are going have been answered.

We must understand that our identity is perfect, that we have the possibility of recovering and developing the best of us. Knowing yourself from the beginning is the great key that returns to being your identity and your ability to reverse any situation, even in current scenarios where we are prisoners of the avatars that affect us. "Everything is creation in permanent manifestation."

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detalhes do produto:
  • Tamanho: 210x297
  • Nº de páginas: 73
  • Miolo: Preto e branco
  • Paginação: Agrafado
  • Acabamento da capa: Brilho
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Última atualização: 08/02/2024
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