This collection brings together short stories written since 2019 that have never seen the light of day.
The collection begins with the fantastic tale The Light of Marva, the story before Jasmine, written to complement the life of one of the characters in the book Hypnosis, a Return to the Past. Here, we are taken to a magical place called Marva, where the visionary Jasmine dedicates herself to exploring her supernatural gifts.
The other two stories, Bread, Light, and Hugs and A New Show, were written for different literary competitions. With a very different tone, the first tells the story of life in a Lisbon neighborhood during the pandemic, and the second explores the ideas of modesty and shamelessness through a love story.
Three readings committed to allowing the reader to take a journey through the senses and magical places.
For more information about the books and the author, visit her website:
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