A New Show and Other Tales
Maria Inês Rebelo

An unlikely conversation on a park bench in Lisbon in November 2020 gave birth to the book of chronicles, The Yellow Notebook.
This notebook tells the story of life in a neighborhood in the midst of a pandemic and was born in a totally unpredictable way after its author had a conversation with a lady on a park bench. Her remarkable life story and tribulations are described here in these pages, which contain so many other caricatured and unheard-of episodes that took place in a Lisbon neighborhood during the most critical phase of COVID-19.
Curious and unlikely encounters, from diary pages found scattered on the street to honest confessions from people who found here a refuge for their thoughts The Yellow Notebook is Maria Inês Rebelo's first book of chronicles and promises to hold the reader's attention from from beginning to end.
For more information about the books and the author, visit her website: https://rebelomariaines.com/
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