Brief relate

Business Innovation with Purpose:

This book offers a unique perspective on business strategy by presenting the "Green Ocean Strategy", a revolutionary alternative to traditional strategies. Discover how businesses can thrive by balancing customer value creation with environmental and social sustainability. Learn how to implement responsible business practices that not only generate financial benefits, but also contribute positively to the world around us.

Aimed at Business Visionaries and Sustainable Leaders:

This book is designed for entrepreneurs, executives, and business leaders who seek not only financial success, but also contribute to the well-being of the planet and society. Provides practical tools and applicable strategies for those who want to lead with an ethical and sustainable approach, creating a lasting positive impact on their organizations and communities.

New and Disruptive Topics:

"Océano Verde" addresses emerging and disruptive issues in the business world. Explore how sustainability and social responsibility can not only be added values, but also key drivers for business success. Discover inspiring case studies, proven strategies and examples of companies that have successfully adopted the "Green Ocean Strategy". This book challenges traditional conventions and offers fresh and exciting insight for those seeking to lead in an ever-evolving business world.

Answers you will find in this book

In "Green Ocean: Navigating Sustainable Success in a Conscious Business World," leaders will find key answers to challenges and questions crucial to leading in an ever-changing business world. Some of these answers include:

Successful Integration of Sustainability and Profitability:

Discover how to efficiently balance customer value creation with environmental and social sustainability. The book provides strategies and concrete examples of how companies can integrate responsible business practices without compromising profitability, showing leaders how to build long-term sustainable organizations.

Development of Sustainable Business Culture:

Get practical tools to lead and foster a business culture focused on sustainability. Learn how to inspire your team to adopt ethical and responsible practices, creating an environment where sustainable innovation flourishes. Discover how a conscious culture can boost employee engagement and attract consumers looking for socially and environmentally responsible companies.

New focus

In the tumultuous sea of ​​business strategies, a new approach emerges that challenges conventional trends: "Green Ocean: Sailing towards Sustainable Success in a Conscious Business World." This book invites you to explore beyond the traditional "Red Ocean" and "Blue Ocean", introducing the "Green Ocean Strategy". Do you imagine a path where customer value creation harmoniously merges with environmental and social sustainability? In these pages, you'll discover how businesses can not only prosper financially, but also become agents of positive change in a world that cries out for conscious leaders. Join us on this transformative journey, where sustainable innovation and respect for the environment are the compass that guides visionary leaders toward success that goes beyond financial gains. Are you ready to take the journey to the Green Ocean?

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detalhes do produto:
  • Tamanho: 216x279
  • Nº de páginas: 63
  • Miolo: Preto e branco
  • Paginação: Colado
  • Acabamento da capa: Brilho
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Última atualização: 13/02/2024
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