Tales, stories, fables and tales. Vol.20

Tales, stories, fables and stories for children, collection in Spanish illustrated in full color.

Tales: Children's tales are short stories that include imaginative characters, exciting adventures and moral lessons or educational messages, to entertain children, stimulate their imagination, teach them about values such as friendship, courage or the importance of being kind, and often end with happy endings.

Stories: Children's stories can be longer stories than fairy tales, with more elaborate plots and more developed characters. These stories can address a variety of themes, from fantasy and adventure to everyday life, allowing children to immerse themselves in different worlds and situations, fostering their curiosity and understanding of the world around them.

Fables: Children's fables are short stories featuring anthropomorphic animals (animals that act and speak like humans) or elements of nature that convey a clear moral lesson. Often, these stories present a situation or conflict that illustrates a value or teaching, and at the end provide an explicit moral for children to reflect on concepts such as honesty, humility, perseverance, or cunning.

Stories: A story is the narration of a fact, real or imaginary, that is done through oral or written language. In other words, a story is an account, usually brief, of a series of events that occurred in reality or in the imagination.

In short, whether through tales, stories or fables, children's literature seeks to captivate their imagination, teach them important values and provide entertainment in an educational and enriching way.

Immerse yourself in a world of creativity and laughter with Children's Stories for Kids. This charming storybook is a collection of fascinating stories designed to make young readers proud and educate them.

Children will discover a selection of endearing characters, from brave heroes to magical creatures, in an effort to guide them on exciting adventures. Each story is crafted to convey a teaching about friendship, courage, the good of sharing and the power of imagination.

With colorful images that dip into real life on every page, this book inspires creativity and fosters a love of analysis from an early age. Children will immerse themselves in enchanted worlds, discover remote lands and learn treasured instructions as they embark on these exciting adventures.

This book is the ideal accomplice for bedtime story nights or to experience at any time of the day, it is a literary treasure with the intention of enriching the childhood of the youngest readers and transporting them to a universe of magic and wonder in each story.

Here you will find all of these Wonderful tales.👇👇👇👇


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detalhes do produto:
  • Autor: Zoila Camacho
  • Tamanho: 216x279
  • Nº de páginas: 48
  • Miolo: Cor
  • Paginação: Agrafado
  • Acabamento da capa: Mate
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Última atualização: 09/08/2024
  • ISBN Acabamento em capa mole: 978-980-18-4216-3
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