The Recycle Gang

My inspiration to write this book stemmed
from my desire to learn about the different
lifestyles and teachings imparted to children
by their grandparents.
Growing up, I only had the opportunity of
knowing one of my grandparents. But the
places my grandparents were born and
raised gave my parents and my family a good
combination of abilities and qualities, and I
think abilities like these are just as valuable
in daily living today, all over the world. This
mixture of qualities has allowed us to make a
contribution to living in this beautiful country
of Australia.y inspiration to write this book stemmed
from my desire to learn about the different
lifestyles and teachings imparted to children
by their grandparents.
Growing up, I only had the opportunity of
knowing one of my grandparents. But the
places my grandparents were born and
raised gave my parents and my family a good
combination of abilities and qualities, and I
think abilities like these are just as valuable
in daily living today, all over the world. This
mixture of qualities has allowed us to make a
contribution to living in this beautiful country
of Australia.
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