How to Sleep the Whole Night Through. Relaxing for a good night's sleep Nourish your spirituality

Are you part of the 60% of the population who has trouble sleeping several nights a week? If so, you should know that sleeping well is essential for your body to be protected against and optimally respond to any infection.

Understanding the signals that your body sends you about your spiritual, physical, and emotional state makes it possible to improve your sleeping cycle and sleep restfully.

If you...

  • usually wake up at dawn and go through episodes of interrupted sleep;
  • want to 'wake up feeling rested', 'sleep deeply to relax the mind' and 'have a pleasant sleep';
  • need to get rid of unhealthy habits and manage your emotions to improve your spiritual health and general well-being

 ... then I want to share some ancestral spiritual wisdom intertwined with modern knowledge to help you discover the benefits of good sleep and have a restorative experience.


The key to all this is sleep hygiene and cleansing of the heart.


Your nighttime habits can transform your life. That is why, with this book, I want to guide you towards inner tranquility so that you can rest with your heart free of worry.

I will help you make an internal analysis of your day and observe every moment you went through, whom you met, how they looked at you, and how you felt. I will give you the tools to find peace before you fall asleep and enter a deep process of inner strengthening.


The world needs you to sleep happily and to unveil the unique talents within you. To do this, you must connect with the love of God and become aware of your value before Him.

EUR 20,16
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Pague como quiser

Cartão de crédito
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detalhes do produto:
  • Autor: Yenni Payeski
  • Estado: Venda em Bubok
  • Nº de páginas: 82
  • Tamanho: 170x235
  • Miolo: Cor
  • Paginação: Colado
  • Acabamento da capa: Mate
  • Última atualização: 01/09/2021
  • ISBN Acabamento em capa mole: 979-8513572916
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